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Why Arabic-Speaking Matters
Benefit from a team that speaks your language
Nationwide Network of Professionals
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Need an Arabic-speaking realtor? Let's talk!

Nationwide Network of Professionals
Regardless to where you live in the U.S., or Canada, Tony Salloum and his team can help you with your home buying and selling needs in PA, NJ, and DE, or connect you with the right Arabic-speaking real estate professional in your area. Our team will help you find out which Arabic-speaking real estate agent can best serve you.

Growing up in Lebanon and moving to the U.S. for his Ph.D. in Quantum Physics, Tony Salloum understood the values of both languages, Arabic and English, and their cultural backgrounds. Today, Tony and his wife, Leen Khalifa Salloum, lead a real estate team with multiple agents and full-time administrators, including Arabic-speaking agent Marc Sleiman, selling more than 100 homes a year, and serving their clients with the highest level of professionalism. Contact Tony Salloum directly on his cell at 215.285.6435 to find out how their team can help you in real estate.
Hear it from our Arabic-Speaking Clients
لقد قمت أنا وزوجي ببيع وشراء منازل مع طوني
ولين مرات عدّة. نحن شخصيًّا، نتحدث اللّغةالإنجليزية
بطلاقة، ولكنّنا استطعناالتواصل مع وكيل العقارات
لدينا باللغة العربية بسلاسة أيضًا، فجاء التفاهم
بيننا واضحًا سهلًا. لقد فهموا احتياجاتنا وكانوا
قادرين بدورهم على إيصالها إلينا بطرق جعلت عملية
البيع والشراء بأكملها سهلة واضحة ومنظّمة. نحن نثق
كلّ الثّقة في طوني ولين وفريقهما ، ونوصي بشدة بهما
للجميع، وبخاصة أولئك الذين يتحدثون اللّغةالعربية.

Contact Us
Contact Tony Salloum today at 215.285.6435 to speak with an agent fluent in Arabic, ready to help you, your family & friends, sell, buy, and invest in real estate.
Why Arabic-Speaking Matters
Being able to communicate with your real estate agent in your native language is key to help simplify the selling or buying process that is heavily involved, and can get complicated at times. The Arabic language in particular carries a culture that embeds ways of thinking and acting that could be critical to how you search for homes, or sell a home. Communicate in Arabic, and experience the power of being understood in ways that are beyond words.